So FINALLY a beautiful day... It was warm and sunny and beautiful! Such a great day to walk around and shoot an engagement session ! Here is Ashley & Adam. Such a cute couple and I had so much fun photographing them! They were nervous with butterflies because they said they were a little camera shy but were the cutest couple ever! All smiles and laughs the whole time =)
Here is my little cousin Cali, I needed a little model for some headbands created by my friend Kaylee!! LIKE HER ON FACEBOOK PEOPLE KREATIONS BY KAYLEE, she makes such cute stuff!!!! and it's so affordable =) Cali unfortunately wanted to play with me and not model hehe as most kiddies! Here are a few
So In between the times I wasn't blogging as you saw with Little Logans pictures there were a few pictures that I didn't blog! So here is one of my little Man Paxton! It was around christmas time and I was having fun with him at home goofing around with the camera =)
So even though this weekend was filled with storm clouds periods of rain I was not able to reschedule one shoot because Amber could have baby any day now! It started to rain right at 4:00 and then poured for about 3 minutes and then it left us with a beautiful cloudy overcast =)
So here is Logan when he was 6 months old! We ventured to Kildonan Park and a dreadfully humid day if I do remember but it was nice and cloudy which made for some super adorable pictures!
So Last summer I photographed a little boy name logan! But this time I got to do a family shoot! Logan He may look familiar cause I luckily get to photograph him ALL the time and my gosh is he a cutie! These are from last October! You've probably already seen my 1 year old post of this little guy but I thought I'd share my family shoot!
This is my little cousin and Paxton's Best best best friend! Ash actually named his monkey after Paxton but since hes still little its Paki hehe =) There are more to come!