This is my little cousin and Paxton's Best best best friend! Ash actually named his monkey after Paxton but since hes still little its Paki hehe =) There are more to come!
So I just wanted to apologize to everyone who's been following my blog! I miss this Saturday's Blog about getting to know the Youngs and since i have all day off tomorrow I'll be making a Opp's its already Monday Saturday Blog! Thanks for everyone who's been following I promise some good stuff to come =)
Today I got to photograph such a beautiful family! Dayle, Daniel and little Ethan Kusie! Unfortunately the cold kept us inside, Ethan was a little sad and kept making his way to the door but we it was nice to catch up with them. I was able to photograph Ethan while I was in school and he was just a little itty bitty baby!!!! I couldn't believe how big he was now!!!
SO i've decided to start blogging every Saturday in hopes that everyone can get to know me and my family a little better =) Here are some pictures from this morning, it was pretty relaxing Paxton wanted to try to take some pictures and well lets just say hes potty trainging so hes a little.....naked hehe <3
So Today I visited Warren Manitoba where this handsome little man lives Kaiden with his amazing parents Kruze and Sarah! They have theeeeee most beautiful house and this beautiful little boy! I could have taken pictures there all day, unfortunately I couldn't make it till 4 where apparently the light in the nursery is amazing but hopefully they will invite me back so I can capture it! Here are a few from the day =)